Axicon Group, Church Road, Weston on the Green, Oxfordshire, OX25 3QP, UK.

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Barcode Verifiers

Axicon Products

The Axicon Barcode Verifiers conform to the latest ISO/ANSI print quality standards. Our equipment has been independently tested and conforms to ISO/IEC15416/15416. All Barcode Verifiers have a USB Connection and come with free software.

6015 Barcode Verifier

Point of Sale Barcode Verifier

Multi Purpose Barcode Verifier

Outercase Barcode Verifier

High Speed Barcode Verifiers

From Axicon

Consultancy & Training

As part of its commitment to improve barcode quality across the distribution chain, Axicon provides specific training courses. Axicon also offer a consultancy services which can be used in a diverse range of ways.


2D Barcode Verifier

Portable Verification

Inline Barcode Verifier

6515 Barcode Verifier 7015 Barcode Verifier S-Range Barcode Verifiers 2D Barcode Verifier Portable Verification In-Line Barcode Verifier FilmBars Graphics

Filmbars Graphics

Checkrite 5

Checkrite 7

Portable Verification In-Line Barcode Verifier

Industrial Protection Verifiers

7015 IP Barcode Verifier

1D/2D Barcode Verifier

1D/2D Barcode Verifier